Dmitris BDSM Rules for Mental Health

1. Positivity Journal – I established a daily rule of having my submissive create a personal positivity journal. She is required to enter one positive trait about herself each day during quarantine.

Why? Well, first of all, the key factor is building feelings more positive about oneself in the process.

However, if I find that she isn’t digging deep enough after a few entries, or just getting lazy with it, and she gives up with, “I can’t think of anything,” then we talk about how there’s no way that’s possible… would SHE even want to be so close and involved with someone who can’t think of more than a handful of positive traits about themselves? (We are both poly, so this is important factor.)

When we get to a point where she really feels like she’s struggling to find more positivity in herself, we start on another list: what traits will you immediately begin to work on yourself to become a force of personal positivity? How do you wish to improve yourself?

And then we develop ways to affect positive change in those ways.

2. Get Outdoors – We have rules about spending time outdoors, so that the lockdown doesn’t feel so stifling. Things like a required x number of laps walking the block, etc.

3. Connect with friends – She has a number of submissive friends on social media. She now has a rule to connect with them (either as a group or individually) once a week via videochat. Zoom, etc (anything that incorporates video for better human interaction during lockdown.

4. Learn – She has a rule to attend x number of online kink classes, workshops, etc. that have become very popular on FL (the social media site geared toward kink). Not only is she getting a little bit of social interaction from these classes, but she’s learning in the process. Win – win.

In reality, all of these are win – win.

Submitted by Dmitri